Thursday, May 16, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Memories From Today Of Baby Beauty Sister Nancy & Baby Bobcat

Amusing baby pictures today in my email, via Microsoft's OneDrive's Memories from this Day.

No clue how it might have been determined the Memories from this Day were from May, let alone this day in May.

In this photo of myself on the left, my little brother, Jake, on the right, we see what may be the first instance of our eldest sister, Nancy, all dressed up looking like she must be going somewhere real special.

Nancy won a Baby Beauty Contest around this time, sponsored, if I remember correctly, by the Skagit Valley Herald, that being a real newspaper in my old home zone, a newspaper of the quality sort which had me realizing such was not the case when I began reading the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, widely regarded as a really bad newspaper, but not quite as bad as the newspaper of record in the town I am now in, the Wichita Falls Times Record News, which mainly covers local sports, local crime, and a few other things, once in awhile, such as recently there was an article about a few new restaurants opening in town.

Okay, that was one super long run-on sentence, beginning with 'Nancy' and ending with 'town'. I just could not stop that sentence from running on and on.

Continuing with the baby theme of today's Memories.

Over my years of biking, hiking and roller blading in Arlington's River Legacy Park, I came upon many critters. Many snake encounters of various sorts. And armadillos.

And bobcats.

My first bobcat encounter scared me. At that point in time I did not realize they were harmless.

My most amazing bobcat encounter was on the park's trail bridge across the Trinity River. I was on my bike, heading onto the bridge, when I saw a big bobcat entering the bridge at the other end. I continued on, as did he. We met in the middle, with me saying "Howdy kitty." The bobcat paid no attention to me, just continued ambling across the bridge.

My best bobcat encounter was with the bobcat kitten you see above. I zoomed in with the camera, knowing I did not want to get too close, which would have made the bobcat mama nervous.

I do not see much wildlife of the bobcat, snake, armadillo sort at my current location. I did come upon a cute lizard a couple days ago at Lucy Park...

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