Monday, March 25, 2024

Windy Monday Lake Wichita Walk With No Rain

Due to wind and rain, yesterday's nature communing took place in the dry confines of Walmart. 

Today, on this final Monday of the 2024 version of March, blue sky has returned, but the strong wind remains blowing.

So, it was to Lake Wichita Park I drove today for some windy nature communing. Which would make that Mount Wichita behind the soldier saluting on Wichita Falls Veterans Memorial.

The rain the past couple days rendered walking on the grass to be a bit muddy. My shoes were caked with mud before I realized I was walking over terrain not conducive to mud-free walking.

Tomorrow there we be some sort of dedication ceremony celebrating the completion of the new entry road and parking lot at this location. I do not recollect ever hearing of a parking lot dedication ceremony before.

I likely will not be in attendance at this ceremony....

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