Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday Sikes Lake Coyote Walk

It was to Sikes Lake I ventured on this next to last Saturday of the 2024 version of March, to get me some endorphins via high-speed walking.

The temperature during walking time was in the low 50s. I wish we would return the HOT balmy days of the final weeks of Winter.

In the past couple weeks Sikes Lake has seen the installation of multiple coyotes, serving the same purpose as scarecrows. In this instance the scare coyotes are being tasked with terrorizing the Sikes Lake geese and duck flocks.

Since the scare coyotes have arrived there are noticeably fewer birds flocking around the lake.

Using scare coyotes to cause the geese and ducks to fly to a different location seems much more humane than the mass murder of 387 geese, last year.

A mass murder which generated a lot of protesting.

Apparently, someone is tasked with moving the scare coyotes to new locations, so the geese and ducks never get wise to the fact that these are not real coyotes.

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