Friday, March 22, 2024

Wichita Falls Pharmacy Visit With Bloody Sideshow

I had myself some police action excitement today. I was taking an elderly man to his pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions. 

Franklin Pharmacy, on Brook Avenue, to be precise. Upon seeing the Franklin Pharmacy parking lot, from a distance, I could see the parking lot was busy. Getting closer I saw that the parking lot was busy due to there being six Wichita Falls Police cars helter skelter on the parking lot.

Upon driving onto the Franklin Pharmacy parking lot I saw a man with a bloodied head, sitting on the parking lot, handcuffed.

I found a space to park next to the police car you see photo documented. The elderly man then went inside the pharmacy to get his meds.

After sitting for about a minute I was suddenly totally startled to find the handcuffed bloodied man outside my window, looking at me and screaming "Take me to the hospital." As a policeman grabbed the bloodied man from behind the bloodied man hollered at me "You're dead!"

A couple policemen then struggled to get the bloodied man into the backseat of the police car.

The bloodied man continued yelling, things like I don't fit in here. The policeman kindly told the bloodied man to just lie down.

After about another minute the policeman opened the door and, I think, removed the handcuffs due to the bloodied man yelling they hurt him.

Eventually the police cars began to leave, and the elderly man returned to the vehicle. I asked if he'd found out what this was about. He was told the bloodied man had been inside the pharmacy, making a scene, when he refused to leave the police were called.

No clue how the man ended up bloodied. To my eyes the police were all acting totally calm, reasonable and professional, like they were well-trained to deal with these type incidents.

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