Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Takes Me To Dinosaur Valley With Wanda & Mrs. Lee

Today's Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day had one I'd just as soon not remember.

The photo was taken with my now long-gone Casio digital camera, with its selfie taking function, functioning well before taking selfies became something someone does using their phone.

On my left shoulder, in sunglasses, that would be Wanda, first wife of Wally, from Seattle, having flown to Texas about four months after my arrival in the Lone Star State.

On my other shoulder, that would be Mrs. Lee, first name Cathy. Now deceased. The accursed nurse who caused me to think it a good idea to move to Texas.

I am just about 100% certain this photo was taken in Dinosaur Valley State Park. That being my favorite Texas state park. Miles of fun, treacherous mountain bike trails, easy to get lost on...

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