Thursday, March 28, 2024

Acquiring Endorphins At Sikes Lake With A Terrible Tuesday Tornado Memorial Sidetrip

The past couple days I have not acquired my required dose of endorphins via aerobic stimulation, due to not wanting to be in the outer world with it being wet and cold.

Pushing a shopping cart for a half hour, in Walmart, really does not suffice in the endorphin acquisition department.

Without my endorphin fix I start to get grumpy. I assume this to be like the withdrawal misery a drug addict experiences when a drug fix is not to be had. I also assume endorphin withdrawal is likely much milder than withdrawal symptoms from something more potent.

So, today, on this final Thursday of the 2024 version of March, with the outer world back being warm, I ventured to nearby Sikes Lake for some high-speed endorphin acquisition.

Along with a lot of other people enjoying the return to non-winter-like conditions.

Today I exited the Sikes Lake trail at the west end to enter the Wood Memorial Park.

There is a monument in Wood Memorial Park. That is what you see photo documented above.

This memorial memorializes those who died in the 1979 Red River Valley tornado outbreak.

Known in Wichita Falls as Terrible Tuesday.

This memorial is located in the path of the deadly tornado. The Red River Valley tornadoes broke out on April 10, 1979, killing 58 people, injuring 1,927 more.

I have experienced three tornadoes since I have been in Texas. I have never seen the stereotypical twister. All I have seen is a dark, greenish wall cloud, with the tornado somewhere behind the wall.

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