Saturday, March 2, 2024

Spring-Like Saturday In Lucy Park

Yesterday, the first day of the third month of 2024, Summer-like weather returned, heating the outer world into the high70s. 

Getting heated that HOT felt real good after the multi-day return to frigid Winter-like weather had North Texas freezing when you take the wind chill factor into account.

And now, on this second day, and first Saturday of the third month of 2024, the temperature is soaring into the 80s. This made for a mighty fine return to Lucy Park, for some nature communing and fast-paced walking.

There were a lot of fellow sun worshipers out and about at Lucy Park today. Most people, and dogs, I have seen in quite some time.

The sky is bright blue, no smoky haze, no smoky smell. The wind switched directions, currently blowing north, instead of south, which brought hazy smoke to town.

I suspect Winter weather is gone for now, not to return til next Winter

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