Thursday, February 29, 2024

Final February Rainy Day Walmart Walk With Alligator Nuggets

I have not ventured into the outer world for walking purposes the past couple days due to cold temperatures and strong winds rendering doing such to be unpleasant.

Today, on the last day of the second month of 2024, we are still cold, not so windy, but rain has been added to the weather mix.

The rain seems to have dampened down the smoke blowing in from the Texas Panhandle wildfires.

So, today, what with beginning to feel the effects of wanton slothfulness, I made my way to my nearest Walmart, for a cart pushing walk with the Walmart throngs.

I walked 44 move minutes, according to my phone's Google Fit app.

During the course of those 44 Walmart Google move minutes I walked by the seafood display. 

Are Gator Nuggets and Filet of Alligator sold in Walmart's outside of the South? That is what you see photo documented above.

I have not had myself any Gator Nuggets or Filet of Alligator, and have zero intention of ever doing so.

I don't even like catfish, which is a sad seafood staple here in the South...

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