Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Welcome To Texas Where It Is Often Too Hot To Drive Friendly

Well, the early return to Summer ended overnight, with a fresh blast of cold air blowing in from the North.

Two degrees above freezing when I woke up my computer this morning, a few minutes before the sun arrived to illuminate the day.

And, that cold air blowing in from the north seems to have blown in smoke from the wildfires burning out of control in the Texas Panhandle.

I am assuming the smoke I am smelling is from the wildfires, but have read no confirmation of such.

The return to semi-Winter-like temperatures is not scheduled to last too long. Just a couple days, and then we are back in the 70s and 80s and maybe 90s.

Methinks these balmy days of Winter are a dire indicator that we are heading into a Super Hot Summer...

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