Sunday, March 3, 2024

Long Ago Microsoft OneDrive Memory Of Me & My Siblings

The photo you see here showed up this Sunday morning in my email, in the daily Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day.

I do not actually remember this memory. As in why the photo was taken. But, I do remember where the photo was taken. And who is in the photo.

From the left, that is Genora Olson, then my eldest sister, Nancy, then my little brother, Jake, then my little sister, Jackie, then me, being bigger than all of them at that point in time.

Which is no longer the case.

The photo was taken in our front yard, in Burlington, Washington. Our house was at the north side of Burlington's Maiben Park. The Olson's house was at the south side of the park.

I think the last time I saw Genora Olson was way back in the 1990s. In the Mount Vernon Post Office. I remember that incident of seeing Genora because she made some remark about how broad my shoulders are.

A remark I thought a tad odd, as I did not think of myself as having broad shoulders. I'm not actually sure I know what is meant by 'broad shoulders'...

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