Monday, March 11, 2024

Pleased To Use Caution Today At Mount Wichita

It has been a few days since I acquired myself some endorphins via outdoor aerobic activity, due to the return of semi-winter-like weather. Chilly, windy, overcast, with some drippage and thunderstorming.

But, today, on this second Monday of the third month of 2024, with ten days til the arrival of Spring, it was back to Lake Wichita Park I ventured, for a long walk around Mount Wichita.

I was not the only one out having themselves a mighty fine time today under the clear blue sky.

I saw a kid and his dog make their way to the summit of Mount Wichita. The kid's mom made it about halfway before giving up.

Hiking to the summit of Mount Wichita looks like it should be easy.

It is not easy.

Ascending gets the heart beating fast, descending is treacherous, way too easy to twist an ankle or take a tumble.

Hence the multiple signs advising to PLEASE USE CAUSTION WHEN CLIMBING HILL.

I do not know why the only thing slightly resembling a mountain, for miles in any direction, is referred to as a HILL. 

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