Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Remembers Lake Powell Houseboating

Today's email from Microsoft's OneDrive had another Memory from this Day that I actually remember. 

Well, more precisely, I remember what I am seeing in this photo, but it definitely was not a memory from this day in March.

Back in the 1990s I houseboated twice on Lake Powell, in Utah. Both times the houseboating took place in October, not March. The clickable link goes to multiple webpages from the first time I houseboated on Lake Powell.

Since I houseboated on Lake Powell the houseboats have been upgraded to include satellite TV, and, I think, microwaves. The peace and quiet on Lake Powell is so pleasant it seems criminal to add the noise of TVs.

The clearest night sky I have ever been under was the first Lake Powell float. The second October float was under clouds. And rain. Which was somewhat fun, what with it making for a wild ride hitting waves generated by the wind. And waterfalls falling down the cliffs.

Last I heard the water level had fallen so much that boats are not on the lake. 

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