Sunday, March 10, 2024

Microsoft Remembers Ruby Leading Grandma Miss Daisy Down An Arizona Street

Another day where I remember some of the Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day.

What you see here happened in March of 2019. I do not remember exactly what day in March.

Just realized, I likely blogged about this day. Just a sec, I shall see if that is the case.

Yes, on Monday, March 11, 2019 I posted a blog post about that which you see here, with the actual day this happened being two days prior, on Saturday, March 9, 2019

The blog post title was Cool Arizona Pool With Theo Driving Ruby On Handlebars.

My sister, Jackie was a bit surprised when suddenly all the kids, and me, got in her pool. Jackie thought it too cool to pool. I was used to getting in a cool pool in Texas. 

The photo above happened after having fun in the cool pool. Ruby led the way to a nearby park, with me wheeling Ruby's grandma, also known as Miss Daisy. This day was the last time my mom had all her kids, but the one none of us get along with, at the same place at the same time.

This was a fun day.

That would be me lifting nephew David out of the pool. This was five years ago. I do not think I could manage to lift the current version of David.

I also probably could not lift the current version of David's little brother and sister, Theo and David. The kids have grown a lot since I last saw them, five years ago.

I probably could lift the newest members of the Slotemaker Jones family, Hank Frank and Cade...

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