Saturday, March 9, 2024

Microsoft's OneDrive Remembers Me Holding Newborn Spencer Jack In Texas

One of today's Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day totally perplexed me. A photo of me holding a baby.

I can tell this was taken in Texas, at my location in Fort Worth, due to the wall behind me and the fact that a cowboy hat sits on my head.

I have never had a cowboy hat on my head outside of Texas.

And I have never held a baby in Texas.

I clicked on the OneDrive Memories link to see all the memories from this day and soon figured out who the baby is which I am holding.

Spencer Jack.

There were multiple photos of multiple people holding the baby I was holding. When I saw the baby being held by Spencer Jack's mom, Jenny, I knew who the baby was that I was holding.

So, how did newborn baby Spencer Jack, in Washington, get held by me in Washington? The next photo answers that troubling question. Well, sort of answers it.

That would be my Favorite Nephew Joey, holding his Favorite Nephew Spencer Jack, in what looks to be the exact same way I was holding Spencer Jack.

Apparently, I did some photo altering, so as to make myself one of those taking a turn holding Spencer Jack. I suspect I must have blogged about my newest relative and included multiple photos of multiple people in Washington holding Spencer Jack, along with the faked photo of me holding Spencer Jack. 

I would go find that long ago blog post, but that would seem to likely be way too time consuming.

Just looked anyway, and it was not too time consuming to figure out the birth of Spencer Jack predates, by about a year, the birth of this blog...

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