Thursday, February 1, 2024

February Wall Calendar Takes Me Back to Lake Tahoe & Crater Lake

I turned my National Park wall calendar to the new month of February and quickly saw it was a National Park I have visited a few times. 

Crater Lake National Park, in Oregon.

That island you see rising from the lake is a volcanic cinder cone named Wizard Island.

The last time I visited Crater Lake was a long time ago, part of a college spring break roadtrip from Ellensburg, Washington to Reno and Lake Tahoe in Nevada. 

At that point in time Nevada considered an 18-year-old to be an adult, allowed to gamble and purchase adult libations.

I recollect going in a saloon in Virginia City and sidling up to the bar and ordering a beer. The barkeeper said 'You look 15, I'll need to see some I.D."

I have photos of that roadtrip to Nevada, but I don't think I have digitalized them. They must be in an old-fashioned hard copy photo album. I see those photo albums from my current seated position. I shall see if I can those photos. Be right back... 

Okay, found the aforementioned photos...

The top photo is outside that Virginia City saloon where the barkeeper thought I was 15.

The lower left is the deep snow we found at Crater Lake when we finally reached the lake. I do not remember if we were able to see the lake. I do remember it was a long detour to get there.

The other three photos are from Lake Tahoe, where we also found snow, even though it was warm enough to be barefoot and shirtless, hence me running over some snow in the lower right photo.

I wonder if I will see Crater Lake anytime this century?

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