Wednesday, January 31, 2024

American White Pelicans Joining The Sikes Lake Bird Population

A couple days ago I was walking around Sikes Lake and saw what looked to me to be a pair of White Swans. I was back there this morning, on this final day of the first month of 2024, enjoying the third day in a row of the return of summer, with the temperature today getting into the high 70s.

When I made mention of those Swans a couple days ago renowned ornithologist, Ralph, identified those birds...

Ralph has left a new comment on your post "Saturday Sikes Lake With Swans":

What you're calling swans look like American White Pelicans to me.

Upon arriving at Sikes Lake today I saw the American White Pelicans, which look like White Swans, had ceased floating solo on the lake and had joined the flock of other birds, geese, ducks and seagulls, roosting on the coffer dam that is falling apart and serves no apparent purpose.

I looked at the long range forecast today, well into February. It looks like we may escape the rest of winter without getting in a deep freeze, again.

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