Friday, February 2, 2024

Cloudy Pre-Thunderstorm Lucy Park Pagoda Visit

With strong thunderstorms bringing flash flood potential on the weather menu for today, at my North Texas location, on this first Friday of the second month of 2024, it was to Lucy Park I ventured today for some high-speed nature communing under an angry gray sky.

It seems like it has been at least a year since the Lucy Park Pagoda became a burned-out ruin. There seems to be no ongoing effort to return the pagoda to its former Japanese style glory.

One would think that perhaps it might be a good idea to cover the rusting remains of the structure with a rust-proof paint. 

Currently the Lucy Park Pagoda skeleton looks like some sort of abstract art sculpture.

I suspect those who visit Lucy Park for the first time, post the Pagoda's destruction, likely think it to be some sort of art installation. 

It has been a long time since my location has had a wild thunderstorm. Will the thunderstorm drought come to an end this afternoon?

Only time will tell...

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