Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Unexpected Happy Holiday Cheer Showed Up In My Mailbox This 2nd Day Of 2024

What with the Holiday Season over, til later this year, I was not expecting to find any additional Holiday related items to show up in my mailbox this Holiday Season cycle.

A little after 5 o'clock this rainy, cold, cloudy second day of 2024, I found that which you see above, or to the left, depending upon what means you are using to access the Internet.

A card from CJ, Carissa and Cade.

I now will remember how to correctly spell Cade's mama's name. I think I have been spelling Carissa with two r's and one s, as in Carrisa. Or maybe it was Carrissa was making my spelling error.

Due to the temperature frigidity Walmart was my walking destination today, for a half hour of high-speed grocery cart pushing. I called Cade's grandma whilst in Walmart, but she was not available.

I have not talked to Cade's grandma yet this year...

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