Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New 2024 Year From Alaska

Happy New Year! A new year, a new wall calendar. The theme of the 2023 wall calendar was The West.

As in scenes of the American West.

I'd seen many of those scenes of the American West. Such as Monument Valley, Canyonlands National Park, Badlands National Park, Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast, Glacier National Park and Dead Horse Point.

The theme of the 2024 wall calendar is National Parks. As in American National Parks.

I have been to Alaska, but not to Glacier Bay National Park, which is what you see above.

I think I have been to all the national parks west of the Mississippi. Except for the national parks in Hawaii and Alaska and Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota.

And Texas.

Have yet to make it to either of the Texas national parks. Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park. 

Maybe I will make a New Year Resolution to finally visit Big Bend National Park... 

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