Wednesday, January 3, 2024

First Walk Of The New Year Around Sikes Lake With Geese

This third day of the New Year, with the temperature not too chilly, with hardly any wind blowing, I had my first outdoor walk of the New Year of 2024, via a fast walk around Sikes Lake.

Some of the Sikes Lake goose massacre survivors were enjoying the return to being well above freezing, by going into Geese Flotilla mode.

In the photo documentation you are looking north, across the flotilla of geese, from the east side of Sikes Lake.

I have not seen the Goose Massacre protesters for several weeks. Did they give up on protesting the mass murder of 383 Sikes Lake geese?

Did the protests result in an agreement by Midwestern State University to not engage in Geese Genocide, ever again, and instead find a more goose friendly solution to the over population of geese?

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