Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Predicted Deep Freeze Keeps Getting Colder The Closer The Arctic Blast Gets To North Texas

We are having a heat wave, not a tropical heat wave, a winter Texas heat wave is what we are having, on this second Thursday of the new year.

A heat wave that won't last a full 24 hours, with the high today of 71, before freezing tonight at 24.

The predicted temperatures for the days of the incoming Arctic Blast have been lowered. With the Arctic Blast now arriving on Saturday, with a high of 39, a low of 8, then Sunday we do not get above freezing, with a high of 17, a low of 4, then even colder on Monday, with a high of 16, a low of 3.

We then begin to warm up on Tuesday, with a high of 26, a low of 18.

I saw that which you see below, on Facebook, this morning. Pretty much sums up winter weather in North Texas.

I am hoping the Texas grid does not collapse again, like it did the last time it got as cold as the current prediction...

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