Friday, January 12, 2024

Incoming Weather Report From Nephew Jason

Incoming email from my Favorite Jason Nephew, this morning.  With a screenshot from Jason's phone. 

Today I am being a bit warmer than my old home zone of the Skagit Valley, with Mount Vernon chilled to 10 degrees. 

Lynden is around 40 miles north of Mount Vernon, a few miles south of the border with Canada.

Lynden gets way colder and way more snow than my old home zone, due to weather systems flowing south from the Fraser River valley. A mountain range between Lynden and the Skagit Valley usually keeps that cold Canadian weather from making it all the way south to my old home zone.

When I was a kid we thought it great fun to go north from our snow-free zone, to visit the grandmas in Lynden, where there would be deep snow drifts.

This morning I see the forecast for my Wichita Falls home zone is now predicting an Ice Storm, with an inch thick coating of ice, arriving Saturday. 

I never experienced an Ice Storm til moving to Texas. The first one happened about two weeks after I arrived in the Lone Star zone.

I was in the Fort Worth Stockyards, at the now defunct Riscky Rita's Mexican buffet. Upon entering Riscky Rita's the temperature was in the 60s. And hour later, leaving Riscky Rita's a strong wind was blowing from the north, and the temperature had plummeted to below freezing.

That night my first Ice Storm arrived, coating the outer world with thick ice. We did not know how to turn off the water to the pool, or the barn, figuring such should be done to prevent burst pipes. 

By morning it was eerie, quiet, except for the sound of tires squealing on thick ice, trying to get up a slight hill to the east. 

If an Ice Storm does arrive tomorrow, I am not venturing out in it. I do not want a repeat of last winter's bruising fall on ice...

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