Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Deep Freeze Arriving Sunday Six Degrees Above Zero

Tomorrow, the day called Thursday, the second Thursday of the new 2024 year, the current temperature prediction for my North Texas Wichita Falls location is a relatively balmy 67 degrees.

That hot flash is followed three days later, on the day called Sunday, with a plunge into deep freeze mode, with the high Sunday of 19 degrees, and low 6 degrees above zero. Same on Monday, with the high one degree colder than Sunday, at 18 degrees.

My abode's new heating and cooling system does not handle extreme cold well. The heat pump switches to auxiliary heat mode, which has trouble producing a comfortable level of warmth.

Last winter I resorted to using a space heater to augment the auxiliary heat. I suspect I will be resorting to the same extra heat method on Sunday.

I hope we do not go below zero this winter. Last time that happened the Texas electrical grid collapsed for a couple days. Such is hard on us elderly sorts...

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