Sunday, January 28, 2024

Remembering Princess Nancy Of Burlington's Berry Dairy Days Parade

The Microsoft OneDrive Memories of the Day is a gift that just keeps on giving and giving, causing me to think about things I've long not thought about.

Such as Burlington's Berry Dairy Days Parade.

For several years mom and dad, well, mostly dad, would build a float so me and my siblings could be in the parade.

I think the last float was a giant strawberry, with my little sister, Jackie, on top of the berry, and dad inside the berry, pushing it the length of Burlington's Fairhaven Avenue main drag parade route.

I remember the giant berry got stuck going across railroad tracks. Multiple people watching the parade realized what was happening and helped dad get the berry over the tracks. 

The parade float you see above is one of the earlier ones, with my little brother, Jake, helping me pull big sister, Nancy, sitting regally on her throne, in one of the few documented cases of Nancy wearing a dress.

We were fans of The Flintstones. The year before the giant strawberry dad built a replica of Fred Flintstone's car. I wish I had a photo of that, but, I do not think I do.

We did not ride in Fred's car in the parade. Jake and I pulled it, with me done up like Fred Flintstone and Jake done up like Wilma Flintstone, complete with a red wig.

I am not likely going to be obsessed with finding a photo of the Flintstone car and Jake being Wilma...

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