Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Sikes Lake With Swans

With the temperature in the 40s, with a slightly slow wind blowing, on this final Saturday of the first month of 2024 I ventured to nearby Sikes Lake for some nature communing and endorphin acquisition.

As you can see, blue sky has not yet returned. Rain dripped all day yesterday. 

I only saw two birds on Sikes Lake today. Which you see photo documented above. These birds looked to be a pair of white swans. I do not recollect seeing Swans at Sikes Lake previously.

I think I was not the only person who had grown tired of being cooped up, housebound by bad weather, because there were a lot of people enjoying the semi-brisk air today.

Tomorrow we are scheduled to get heated into the 60s. That should render tomorrow a more pleasant outdoor experience than today's...

1 comment:

  1. What you're calling swans look like American White Pelicans to me.

