Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Return OF Blue Sky & Warm Air To North Texas

On this final Sunday of the first month of 2024, it was back to Lake Wichita Park I ventured today for some fast-paced endorphin acquisition via aerobic stimulation.

Yesterday, walking around Sikes Lake, I was totally under dressed. I was in shiver mode by the time I made it all the way around the lake.

Today, even knowing the outer world was much warmer than yesterday, I layered on too many layers, some of which I peeled off upon arrival at Mount Wichita.

So, today is short sleeved t-shirt and shorts weather, not two layers of sweatshirts on top of a t-shirt, and lined sweatpants weather, which had me overheated by the time I was done, even after taking off the two sweatshirts upon arrival.

Texas weather is so unstable. Goes from super cold to not super cold and back to super cold, then mixes in some rain, and then returns to a bright blue warm sky, like you see today.

Sadly, the recent day long deluge of rain did not raise the level of Lake Wichita much. The new floating dock, which was installed last summer, has yet to have the opportunity to float.

The day may come when this dock floats. It might not be this year, might not be the next year. Wichita Falls has long droughts.

When the new Lake Wichita dock finally floats methinks there should be a city-wide celebration to celebrate the occasion...

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