Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Visit With David, Theo & Ruby In Tacoma

I emailed David, Theo and Ruby's Mama Michele yesterday, after someone made mention of the fact I had not made mention of the Tacoma Trio in quite a while. Hence emailing my baby sister yesterday.

After that return emails had me seeing oodles of photos, along with explanatory text.

It likely does not need to be explained that that photo above is David, Theo & Ruby's Halloween Trick or Treating gang, in front of their Tacoma house.

The explanatory text for the above was...

Ruby and Theo spent 3 nights at the Mount Rainier Institute last month. Camping, hiking, sciencing up near the mountain. They loved it. Ruby spends her free time walking the dogs and playing a lot of soccer. She also made her middle school junior varsity volleyball team, so she’s been practicing that too.

The explanatory text explaining what Theo is doing above...

Theo has been enjoying taking pics on walks, playing the sax, ice hockey and practicing for New Year's Eve.

Upon first reading the explanatory text I thought it was the saxophone Theo was practicing for New Year's Eve. Then, upon second thought I realized this was referring to the above photo.

That #13 would be Theo in his hockey uniform.

And then we come to David, with the explanatory text explaining.....

David broke his leg skateboarding last month, had to have surgery. He gets his cast off tomorrow..

David now goes to Tacoma's Stadium High School, where, apparently he has been hobbling along on crutches, til today, when the cast comes off his leg.

Way back in summer of 2004 I stayed a month in an apartment overlooking Stadium High School. It is an impressive building, sort of built on a cliff, with the football field featuring a steep natural bowl making a large section of the stadium's bleachers. 

The Wikipedia article about Tacoma's Stadium High School, has some good photos illustrating why I said it is an impressive building. There is also a photo of the football stadium.

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