Monday, November 27, 2023

Chilly Walk Around Sikes Lake With Blue Heron & No Rainbow Trout

We chilled below freezing, again, last night. By the time, this final Monday morning of November, that I drove the short distance to Sikes Lake, the temperature had risen to a relatively balmy 45 degrees.

As you can clearly see, it is another calm, clear blue sky day in North Texas. Nary a ripple disturbing the lake's surface.

At the west end of the lake, crossing the bridge which goes over the Olive Green Lagoon of Sikes Lake, I saw the bird you see above, standing in the murky water. 

I think this was a Blue Heron in trying to catch a fish mode.

Someone should let the Blue Heron know he'd have better luck at South Weeks Park Lake, due to the fact that that little pond was stocked by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)
with rainbow trout a couple days ago. 

South Weeks Park Lake is a short distance from my abode. I drive by it when I drive to my closest Walmart. The past few days there have been a lot of poles dangling over the pond.

344,000 rainbow trout were added to the lakes chosen to be blessed with incoming fish.

Texas lake water gets too warm for trout most of the year. But when the chilly temperatures arrive several lakes get trout added to them.

Two lakes are so blessed in Wichita Falls. But, not Sikes Lake.

The other Wichita Falls lake which had trout added to it is Plum Lake. I have no idea where Plum Lake is in this town.

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