Thursday, November 30, 2023

Microsoft Remembering The Slotemaker, Jones, Hershberger, Barry Cousins

Another interesting photo showed up today in my email, one of those daily emails from Microsoft's One Drive, showing my memories from this particular day, which I usually do not remember.

The memory we see here would have come from the 1960s, towards the end of the decade. The photo was likely taken at my grandma's house in Lynden. These would all be grandma's grandkids, the Slotemaker, Jones, Barry, Hershberger cousins.

That would be me on the far left. Sitting next to me, behind two little kids, is my sister, Nancy. Cousin Scott is the next big cousin, in the middle, on Scott's left is my little brother, Jake. The next full sized person is Scott's little sister, cousin Linda. The little blonde girl next to cousin Linda is my little sister, Jackie, much later to become the mother of Christopher and Jeremy and grandma of Cade.

Three of the little cousins are my cousins from Australia, the Hershbergers, on one of their visits back to America. On the right side of sister Nancy, I think that is the youngest Hershberger cousin, Steve, with cousin Danny on the other side of Nancy, which I think makes that little blonde girl on Scott's right cousin Carol.

The other two little kids would be the Slotemaker cousins, Sheryl to the left of brother Jake, and cousin Jeff in front of cousin Linda.

Two more cousins were added a few years after this photo was taken. Those being my little sister, Michele, and Jeff and Sheryl's little brother, cousin Mike.

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