Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Semi-Chilly Hill Hiking The Wichita Bluff Nature Area

What you see here is the picnic pavilion located at the highest point in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Today was the first time in months I have been back on the Wichita Bluffs.

I have avoided this location ever since Lucy Park's Blue Man reported seeing two rattlesnakes sunning themselves on the paved Circle Trail in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

The temperature was in the low 70s when I did my nature communing today. That chilly temperature slows down cold-blooded things which slither.

So, I saw no snakes of any variety today, not that I was much expecting to. 

I did see multiple mammals in the human form.

Including one group with two moms pushing two-seater baby strollers, with each mom also holding one kid, with three small kids walking. It was quite an adventurous operation.

I came upon a woman carrying a big bunch of what looked to me to be dried out weeds. I complimented her on the beautiful bouquet she was carrying. She thanked me for the compliment, along with saying the bouquet was going in a vase.

It was nice being back on the Wichita Bluffs. My other hiking locations pretty much have no elevation ups and downs...

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