Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Microsoft Remembering Me Hiking To Mount Rainier

Yesterday, September 11, Microsoft's OneDrive email, with supposed memories from that day, managed, once again, to come up with memories which I, once again, actually remember.

Which is easy since these memories are all of the same thing.

Mount Rainier.

However, Microsoft is off by a month. It was on August 11, 2008, that these Mount Rainier memories were made, not September 11.

On that August day, way back then, I drove my sister-in-law, Kristin, and her mom, Janet, to Mount Rainier.

It was a busy day at Mount Rainier. Lots of tourists. We eventually found a place to park at Paradise and proceeded to hike towards the Mountain, eventually reaching the Myrtle Creek waterfall.

I'd been to Mount Rainier several times, but this was the first time I have been in the National Park with a clear enough sky so that the Mountain was actually out and easily seen, though it got cloud covered and uncovered several times as we hiked towards it.

Mount Rainier is sort of like San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. It took a couple visits to San Francisco before I saw the Golden Gate Bridge not shrouded in thick fog.

Microsoft's OneDrive repeated one of the memories, twice. I don't know why they would do this, as there were dozens upon dozens of Mount Rainier memories to remember.

I wonder if a day will come where I get to see Mount Rainier up close and personal once again...

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