Thursday, September 14, 2023

Cloudy Thursday Sunflowers At Lucy Park

With rain and thunderstorms in the forecast, with the temperature barely in the 70s, it was back to the Lucy Park backwoods jungle I ventured on the morning of this second Thursday of September.

I did my nature communing with barely a drop of rain dripping, and no thunder booming.

As you can see, via looking behind the big yellow sunflower, the clouds do look a bit threatening. 

For several days now the weather predictors have been predicting rain and thunderstorms, with barely any of either actualizing.

I did see a lightning flash a couple nights ago, with distant thunder rumbling. And yesterday, leaving Walmart, I did feel a couple drops of rain. But not enough to get anything even close to being wet.

Maybe this afternoon's predicted thunderstorm will happen. Likely not, though...

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