Sunday, September 17, 2023

Final Sunday Of Summer At Lucy Park Getting Bug Bites

On this final Sunday of Summer, it was back to Lucy Park I ventured for some totally cloud-free communing with nature.

Today I walked a trail in the Lucy Park backwoods jungle which I had not walked on since that windstorm a few weeks ago wreaked havoc with the Lucy Park trees.

I had more communing with nature than I wanted today. Nature in the form of bugs biting me.

I did not see the bugs on me doing the biting. It was only after itchy bumps appeared did I realize I had been attacked.

I assume mosquitoes were the culprit. But usually one hears mosquitoes buzzing when they are in attack mode.

The only bugs I eye witnessed today were the swarms of grasshoppers hopping when my walking disturbed them.

I do not think grasshoppers bite humans. I think they are vegetarians.

Even though the sun was not blocked by clouds the temperature did not go into too HOT mode during my time at Lucy Park. The temperature was in the low 80s.

Not chilly, not HOT....

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