Monday, September 18, 2023

Nature Communing Sikes Lake With Solo Blue Heron

With the temperature in the low 80s, with a steady breeze blowing, it was back to Sikes Lake I drove on this final Monday of the 2023 version of Summer.

There were not a lot of fellow nature communers communing with me today.

I saw a lot of ducks floating on the lake. Along with a few geese. And some seagulls.

And the solo blue heron you see above, standing under the shade of a little tree. Why this bird was not in the lake doing its usual fishing duty, I do not know.

It will be nice to see Summer of 2023 in the rear-view mirror. I hope the coming Winter is not of an extreme sort, like this Summer has been. 

I do not want to see an ice storm. Or feel sub-zero temperatures. Or a half foot of snow. Or a combo of all three...

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