Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Remembering Ocean Shores & A 50th Wedding Anniversary Party

 Another rare instance where I remember all the memories Microsoft OneDrive is suggesting I should remember.

Trouble with this memory is I remember none of these memories occurred in September.

The photo at the upper left was taken July 27, 2002, at a Jones Family reunion at the fairgrounds in Lynden, Washington.

The other photographic memories happened in August of 2001. I had driven solo from Texas to Washington for mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary party.

On that visit to Washington dad drove mom and me to Ocean Shores, on the Washington Pacific coast, which would make that mom and dad at the upper right, at the beach at the south end of Ocean Shores.

Below mom and dad is my Grandma Vera, mom's mom, at that aforementioned 50th Wedding Anniversary party, which took place in the Seattle suburb of Kent.

Below Grandma Vera that would be mom and dad opening Happy Anniversary presents. I do not recollect myself bringing a present. I guess my unexpected presence was my Happy Anniversary present.

At the lower left we are back at Ocean Shores, a short distance from the memory of mom and dad on the beach. 

In that lower left photo we are looking at the breakwater of erosion preventing giant boulders at the north side of the entry to Grays Harbor. There was a large group of us, that day, at Ocean Shores. Two of whom are who are being photographed on the boulders getting wet from the spray of crashing waves.

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