Thursday, September 7, 2023

Dehydrating Heatstroke North Texas Danger At 109 Degrees

109 degrees is the predicted high today, at my North Texas location, on this 7th day of September. 

What with that dire danger of dehydration and heatstroke if one is outside for extended periods of time, I will be foregoing my usual late morning outdoor communing with nature.

My last bout of nature communing, two days ago, at Sike Lake, was way too HOT. No cooling wind, no shade, just HOT.

By next week the temperature is no longer predicted to be over 100 degrees. With rain in the forecast.

By this coming Saturday the high is predicted to be 90, with the days following Saturday predicted to be in the relatively chilly low 80s. 

The return of natural air-conditioning is going to be so enjoyable...

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