Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Flock Of Seagulls At Sikes Lake Low Tide With Tacoma's Mount Rainier

Though the high today is predicted to be a whoppingly HOT 106, I thought the clouds I was seeing from my window view, and with a strong wind blowing, that a walk around Sikes Lake would be pleasantly temperatured.

I was wrong.

Way too HOT.

Rain and thunderstorms are on the weather menu for later this 5th day of September.

As you can see, via today's photo documentation of Sikes Lake, the lake is in dire need of some water. If this were a saltwater scene I would think the tide is out. Those spots of white you see at the lake's edge are a flock of seagulls. 

No idea why seagulls are at this lake instead of a saltwater sea.

Speaking of seagulls on an actual sea of saltwater, I saw the below scenic view this morning on Facebook.

That is the Tacoma waterfront you are seeing, with Mount Rainier hovering in the distance. When you drive around Tacoma the Mountain is always seeming to move. It can be a bit disorienting. 

My nephews, David and Theo, and niece, Ruby, live a short distance from the above view.

The Tacoma waterfront has a lot of restaurants, one of which is what you see at the bottom of the photo.

It has been six years since I have seen a real mountain. Or a saltwater beach.

Time flies by way too fast...

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