Wednesday, August 9, 2023

With Mobility Restored Drought Stricken Lake Wichita Visit

My means of motorized mechanical motion has been under a doctor's care since Monday. This morning the motion device was released from doctor's care, fully recovered.

So, before noon I drove to the nearest Walmart for some high speed walking and acquisition of various edible items.

I have been reading of late about the sad low level status of local lakes, with the water level going lower and lower as the drought goes on and on.

So, after Walmart I drove to the nearest lake, well, other than Sikes Lake, which is only a couple blocks from my abode. The lake I drove to was Lake Wichita.

Upon arrival at the Lake Wichita parking lot I as struck by how pitiful Mount Wichita looks, mostly void of any green vegetation. If a downpour ever happens Mount Wichita likely will suffer some serious erosion.

And now this look at the current state of Lake Wichita. In normal non-drought times, all you see that is green, is under water.

Lake Wichita has shrunk significantly since I last saw this disappearing body of water.

I think it was Memorial Day weekend when last I was at Lake Wichita, that being the weekend the Veterans Memorial was dedicated, part of which is what you see in the photo at the top, with barren Mount Wichita hovering in the background.

Currently we are under a water restriction regimen.

I can irrigate my lawn only on odd number days. Today is an odd number day.

But, I shall be a good citizen and forego doing any lawn watering. It seems pointless to try and have a green lawn at this particular location on the planet at this particular time...

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