Thursday, August 10, 2023

Happy Birthday Elsie Hotpepper

The young lady you see here, up a creek with only one paddle, goes by many names, with my favorite being Elsie Hotpepper.

The cattle herd Elsie is ramrodding is making its way across the pristine waters of the Trinity River, at a location I believe to be at the east side of Fort Worth, near where the river soon leaves Fort Worth and enters Arlington.

I am not certain what particular photo shoot brought about this photo. It may have been part of Elsie Hotpepper's audition for some TV show, Yellowstone, maybe.

It is hard to keep up with the various antics of Elsie Hotpepper. Truth be told, keeping up with the Hotpepper can be a bit exhausting.

Anyway, today, August 10, is Elsie Hotpepper's birthday.

29 years old.

At least that is what is indicated by Happy Birthday signage installed overnight in Elsie Hotpepper's front yard...

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