Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Cooking Hot In Texas While Stuck On Train In Virginia


Day after day after day after day over 100 degrees, with no rain at least rendering some comfort via low humidity.

The water supplying reservoirs in my area are drying up. Water restrictions are in place.

My lawn is brown from lack of water. 

The heat killed my vehicle's battery.

The Wichita Falls Hotter 'n Hell 100 bike race happens the last weekend of this month. Last year the temperature for Hotter 'n Hell was not over 100. This year I suspect under 100 will not be the case.

Last night I had a virtual train trip from Washington D.C., south, towards Lynchburg, Virginia. The train was rolling slow due to the high wind battering the Northeast. Twice the train came to a long stop due to trees blown across the track.

I have never enjoyed an Amtrak train trip. Not since a nightmare weekend via Amtrak, rolling the rails from Tacoma to Portland, and back. I have never been seasick no matter how rough the seas. But, on that train trip I did get railsick, from the rocking and rolling, eventually resulting in a spewing of vomit in copious amounts. It is a lingering bad memory.

September shall soon arrive. And with that the approach of the end of summer and the start of fall, and, I hope, cooler temperatures....

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