Sunday, August 27, 2023

Relatively Chilly Sunday Lucy Park Visit With An Armadillo

With the temperature well below 100, in the low 90s, it was to Lucy Park I ventured on this final Sunday of August for some breezy communing with nature, which would make that the Lucy Park suspension bridge over the Wichita River you are seeing here.

Most of the wind damaged trees have been removed since last I was at the Lucy Park location. 

Possible thunderstorms are on the weather menu for today, but, looking at the mostly blue sky it does not seem likely any thunder booming is going to be heard at my location.

I hiked the Lucy Park backwoods jungle today. The windfalls across the trail have not been removed, but multiple trails have been worn into the grass making for an easy walk around the windfalls.

Walking in any tall grass sets me a bit on edge, on the lookout for anything slithering in the grass.

So far, this summer, I have seen zero snakes.

Today I saw a dead armadillo, on the trail, that I almost stepped on. Which startled me a little. I do not recollect seeing in armadillos at my current Texas location. When I lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex zone I would see dozens of those cute hard-shelled mammals, the cutest being baby armadillos.

I wonder what an armadillo was doing in Lucy Park. And what killed it.

Armadillos are one of the State Mammals of Texas. I believe the law protects armadillos from being murdered.

But, the law does not protect armadillos from being roadkill, something frequently seen in the D/FW zone.

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