Saturday, August 26, 2023

108 For Hotter 'N Hell 100 With Below 100 Arriving Tomorrow

Look at what is on the weather menu for tomorrow!

Under 100 degrees for the first time in what seems a long time. With some possible thunderstorming.

Today, Saturday, August 26, the temperature is scheduled to reach 108 degrees.

Today, in Wichita Falls, we have thousands of bikers in town for the Hotter 'N Hell 100 race. Thousands of bikers roll their wheels for 100 miles under the scorching sun predicted to heat to 108 degrees today.

If it was not so HOT I would venture to the MPEC (Multi-Purpose Event Center) downtown to watch the racers cross the finish line. I have only done that once, on a cloudy day, not heated above 100 degrees, and I recollect that day as being miserably HOT.

There are many things to see at ground zero of the Hotter 'N Hell 100 location. Food trucks, vendors vending various bike-related products, a big tent covered beer garden, live music, an art garden of various works of art featuring bikes. 

I do not know if the bike art garden is a regular feature, or just was part of my one and only time attending.

An interesting tent near the finish line is the Triage Tent, where those wounded by a bike wreck get their wounds attended to. This was one of the bloodiest things I have ever seen in person.

I have never had the slightest inkling of a desire to ride my bike in the Hotter 'N Hell 100.

Maybe if it was the Hotter 'N Hell 10.

Actually, there are several other races of shorter duration for those for whom pedaling 100 miles is not even remotely feasible...

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