Monday, August 28, 2023

Almost Chilly Barely 80 Degree Return To Sikes Lake

With the outer world chilled to barely being in the 80s, it was to nearby Sikes Lake I ventured on this final Monday of August, for some nature communing with ducks and multiple humans.

That would be the Blue Bayou of Sikes Lake, located at the west side of the lake, which you see photo documented.

Before the Sikes Lake mass geese extermination, last month, one would see some geese at this location. Today I saw no geese, not a single goose, nowhere on or off the lake. It is as if the few surviving geese decided to relocate before the exterminators came for them.

The duck population at Sikes Lake seems to be flourishing. I came upon a flock of dozens of ducks soon after crossing the bridge over the Blue Bayou.

Currently the temperature prediction is for a return to being heated over 100 degrees when September arrives in a few days.

I think I am going to enjoy wearing sweatpants in a month or two, way more than I have ever enjoyed wearing sweatpants in years previous. That, and long pants. I am looking forward to being back in long pants...

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