Monday, July 10, 2023

Humid Monday Walkaround Sikes Lake With A Few Geese Honking

On this second Monday of July, with the temperature in the 80s, with little wind blowing, along with extreme humidity making the temperature in the 80s feel way hotter, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured today for a walk around the lake.

This was my second return to Sikes Lake after learning of the shocking murder of 343 Sikes Lake geese, who were rounded up, marched into a container of some sort, and then gassed to death with carbon dioxide.

So far I have seen no information regarding what was done with the corpses of those 343 geese. 

On Saturday, both on the way to Lucy Park, and on the way back, there was a large group, well, maybe a dozen, of locals protesting the mass murder of the Sikes Lake geese. I have no clue what the protestors want to see happen. I don't think anyone can get arrested for the mass geese murder. The extermination was sanctioned by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department at the request of Midwestern State University officials.

Today, at Sikes Lake, I saw that the remaining 40 some geese have segregated themselves into two separate flocks. One flock, the one you see above, is flocking at the east end of the lake, by the parking lot.

The other flock is flocking at the west end of the lake, which is what you see above. A couple ducks were mingling with the geese at the west end of the lake.

I am curious what happened to all those murdered geese. Aren't geese edible? Maybe MSU should have had a big BBQ...

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