Saturday, July 8, 2023

Humid Walk Through Lucy Park Jungle With Mini-Alligators

Today, Saturday, the second Saturday of July, is the first of three days in a row with the temperature not predicted to get above 100 degrees. With this three day respite, followed by day after day after day with the predicted temperature many degrees above 100.

So, with the temperature in the 80s, it was to Lucy Park I ventured for a humid walk through the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

As you can see, the grass in the Lucy Park jungle has grown tall. Taller than me in some places. With thick tall grass, along with a semi-HOT temperature, one must keep a cautious eye out of snakes in the grass slithering around.

Today, I saw no snakes slithering, not a one. I did see a couple mini-alligators, also known as lizards.

We are being warned to be wary of mosquitos in Wichita Falls, due to a cluster of mosquitoes being found in a water pond, with mosquitoes infected with the deadly West Nile virus.

I have seldom had a mosquito bite in Texas.

In Washington I frequently got mosquito, and other, bug bites. To go on a Washington mountain hike one copiously covered oneself with bug repellent. And even then a bite or two or three would happen.

One thing I never had to worry about on a Washington mountain hike was snakes slithering. Well, in Western Washington, that is. In Eastern Washington I did have a snake encounter a couple times on an Eastern Washington hike. 

On a Western Washington mountain hike the biggest danger I ever encountered was bears.

Lots of bears....

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