Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Birth Certificate Search Turns Up Old Photos

This morning I found myself on the hunt for my birth certificate.

To no avail.

But, in a box containing all sorts of documents, including hundreds of photos, I found one or two or three, well, the number is three, of photos I felt compelled to share.

In the first photo we are sitting on the rooftop garden, above the carport. That would make that my nephew Jeremy I am holding. Jeremy was born on May 9, 1986, which would make this picture having been taken a couple months later. I can intuit such due to the fact that Jeremy is real little, flowers are blooming, and the trim is still green. 

1986 was the first year I lived in the new house in Mount Vernon. I did not like the green trim, and so changed it to brick red, the first summer living in that house.

Above that would be Jeremy's big brother, also known as Christopher. Jeremy is usually referred to to by his initials, JR, middle name Ryan. Christopher's middle name is Jay, so he is usually referred to as CJ.

Christopher is in the living room of the Mount Vernon house, petting Hortense.

Hortense made the move to Texas, lasting two years, dying from a stroke at around 21 years old. Hortense lived a long, happy cat life.

Jeremy became an uncle last week, when his big brother's wife, Carissa, birthed Cade Christopher.

And above I believe we are looking at the last time all of my mom and dad's children and grandchildren were at the same location at the same time.

This was July 22, 2002, in Lynden Washington, at the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds.

I took a photo of this photo with my phone, which is why it looks a tad wonky.

That is the aforementioned Jeremy, in black, with his hands in his pockets, standing next to his big brother, Christopher. I think that is the top of Jeremy and Christopher's dad, Jack's head, next to CJ, with me next to Jack. New granny, Jackie, is next to me, then little brother Jake, still married to Jill, then the sibling we don't talk about, next to nephews Jason and Joey. I think that is Joey's girlfriend in turquoise. I almost forgot to mention, to the left of Jeremy is baby sister, Michele, and my favorite sister-in-law, Kristin.

And, obviously, that is mom and dad, the only ones sitting...

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