Thursday, July 13, 2023

Minestrone & Cereal For Cute Residents Of Kiwanis Park Prairie Dog Town

Well over 100 degrees on this second Thursday of July. Making Walmart my air-conditioned location to go on a nature walk of the anthropological sort, observing the interesting various iterations of humans pushing carts around Walmart.

On the way to Walmart I visited the nearby Prairie Dog Town in Kiwanis Park. It had been a long time since I last visited the neighborhood Prairie Dogs.

I had some minestrone that had been in the fridge for a week. And a couple boxes of unopened cereal that a neighboring diabetic no longer could consume.

A couple years ago a rather dire effort was undertaken to restrict the Prairie Dogs to living inside a walled enclosure. The dozens of Prairie Dogs which had made homes outside the enclosure were evicted, or entombed when their underground dens were crushed.

Upon arrival I saw no Prairie Dogs.

I walked to the Prairie Dog wall and scooped the minestrone into the compound, which did not attract any interest.

Then I started tossing out cereal. Soon I saw what you see above and below.

The above is only a fraction of the Prairie Dog action that suddenly erupted. There were a lot of Prairie Dog puppies. They are cute.

That is a pair of the puppies that you see at the lower left of the first photo, munching on cereal.

The Prairie Dogs, mostly the puppies, did a lot of play fighting between food munching. They remind me of Meerkats.

Since it was so HOT, my visit to Prairie Dog Town only lasted about 10 minutes.

My high speed walking visit to Walmart lasted about 45 minutes.

I suspect tomorrow Walmart will again be my walking location, due to the temperature again being well over 100...

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