Monday, May 8, 2023

Lucy Park Survived Last Night's Windstorm With Little Damage

It was to Lucy Park I ventured this second Monday of May, to do some high-speed salubrious nature walking in the jungle terrain.

Which would make that the Lucy Park suspension bridge you see above, currently cloaked in lush greenery.

Last night's windstorm was one of the strongest I have ever experienced. The way the trees were whipping about it looked like a hurricane.

By morning I expected to see a lot of wind damage to the trees. But, turned out to be way fewer fallen limbs than would seem to be the expected result of such a strong blow.

Driving to Lucy Park I did come upon a couple crews cleaning up fallen foliage.

Last night's windstorm had little, if any, precipitation, despite the prediction that rain would fall. And I saw no lightning striking and heard no thunder booming.

More storms are on the weather menu for the coming days. But, currently a clear blue cloud-less sky has returned. Along with warm air and extreme humidity...

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