Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday Sikes Lake Goose Walking With Goslings

As the sun was doing its setting duty last night lightning began flashing, non-stop, for about an hour. Prior to the lightning flashing huge globs of water plopped to the ground with a thud. The globs must have been big balls of hail prior to melting soon before hitting the ground.

I recollect no strong wind blowing last night, but by morning's light a lot of wind damage appeared. Tree limbs, pieces of roofing, and some litter.

So, with the sky still cloudy on this first Sunday of the 2023 version of May it was to Sikes Lake I ventured to do some goose walking around the lake.

Above you see some of the geese, posing with pink evening primroses. Behind the geese that is the bridge across the creek which enters Sikes Lake at the west end of the lake.

Soon after crossing the aforementioned bridge I came up the small goose family you see here. Mom and dad and seven goslings.

About 100 feet further I came upon a much large flock of goslings. I could not get them all in the photo, along with the multiple full size geese being gosling-sitters.

A severe thunderstorm is on the weather menu for later today...

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