Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hot Lake Wichita Park Walk With Mosquitoes

On this second Tuesday of May the outer world at my location is super humid. And hot. Real HOT.

Feeling the need for heat, and hoping for a cooling breeze, I drove to Lake Wichita Park for a walk around the only mountain for miles and miles in any direction.

I read this morning that the recent rains have risen the local lake levels. Such was noted upon arrival at the Lake Wichita Park parking lot. The tide was not out nearly as far as the last visit, a couple weeks ago.

Work continues on the expansion of the Lake Wichita Veterans Memorial, due to be finished by Memorial Day, which is the 29th of the current month.

Several guys were busy working on the memorial, seemingly impervious to the blazing sun.

I walked around the mountain and then headed north to a line of trees which are on both sides of a creek ditch.

I was on high alert when in this shaded wooded zone, on the lookout for slithering reptiles. I saw none, but did manage to get a whopper of a mosquito bite. 

A trail meanders through this wooded zone, with a couple little bridge crossings, such as what you see above. Eventually I came to a disc golf launch pad and realized this trail had been built for the disc golf course.

Seems like it would be just a tad too challenging to be throwing a disc in a wooded zone, hoping to hit a target.

I do not see many disc golfers at the Lake Wichita Park disc golf course, unlike I see at Lucy Park, where one always sees a lot of disc golfers.

More storming is on the weather menu during the course of this week. I hope that comes with cooler temperatures and a drop in humidity...

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